Thursday, February 16, 2012

..........It's time for change.........

Enlightening conversation and presentation this evening from a certified google teacher.  At first, the fast presentation could be seen as a headache (maybe because I've been sick all week) because it is moving so fast. About two minutes in, and I get it.  Give as much information as quickly as you can for absorption. As many tools in the toolbelt as possible to see what will happen.  

What a fabulous concept for our kids today. I'll have to play around with the tools mentioned tonight to see where I could go with some of them.

Has anyone been watching the Governor of Oregon's talks about how he wants to reform education?  I've only caught a couple of minutes here and there, but one of the most enlightening was listening to him talk about how we have moved away from the very things that need to be in schools (art, music, the "specials" so to speak).  His plan, which is quite forward thinking, is causing controversy.  Is it because people are hesitant to change? or is it because people are afraid of what kids might do if given the opportunity to unleash their full potential? Lord forbid we give them the tools to be creative. To let their minds expand. Who knows what would happen then.  

In 2005, when I first got assigned to the building I was in, the office assistant outside my door, who I didn't know at the time, came up to me and said "You know Kristi, I have the feeling that someday you are going to open your own school, like a charter perhaps, but for sure one that fully includes all children and engages children and families from birth through graduation. It will be the first of its kind and I think you're going to do it."  I laughed at the time at the sheer thought of having my own school, but over the years that conversation keeps coming back to me........

 It's time for change folks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...what a compliment to you from your office assistant. So, the ball is in your court to begin this process. One of my "greedy" hopes for this class is that it builds a community that extends beyond the semester and continues to connect and reconnect supporting each other as we move to implement this change. Lean on the rest of us as you need to. Go for it!
