Thursday, January 26, 2012

Technology: Friend or Foe in Education?

I've been curious for awhile now on when the conversation "out in the world" would start involving using technology in schools.  I've seen schools and programs that created policies that ban technology and I've seen schools and programs that have embraced it with open arms. Here's just a small sample of what some of that looks like:
  • cell phones are checked in/turned off/put away in lockers during all hours of the school day
  • cell phones can be used during lunch/recess/off campus time
  • cell phones can be used during instructional time in place of "clickers" to answer a teacher's questions (see if you aren't familiar with that)
  • computers are not in classrooms
  • computers are in classrooms but used only during certain free times
  • there is a classroom set of ipads for each child that replaces textbooks
  • there is an ipad for each child, checked out at the beginning of the school year
  • there is a laptop, given to each student at the beginning of the school year, for a one time $50 fee
Which one is the one we should be doing? What will help our children learn the most?  Tonight, I envision a school that lets every child have an ipad, instead of a textbook. A classroom teacher that lets every child learn at their level, in their learning style, in their language on this tool. A school leader that lets the instructional leader use these tools in this manner, so that the teacher can roam around the room and help individual children where needed.  Tonight, I envision a school that uses technology to help children reach their full potential.

What would learning be like if this were to happen instead?

1 comment:

  1. I'm catching up in reading your blog in reverse chronology...I have enjoyed reading your perspective and love the way you end your posts with a question. Your last sentence before your final question is something that would be a GREAT exploration for a final project. What would that look like--using tech to help kids reach their full potential? Don't both with the HOW you'd get there, just paint a portrait of what you think that would look and feel like for a student, teacher and school community?
